If you can just get caught up, if you can get your bills paid up, some money in the bank...then you will seek God fully.
I know, I tell them to myself daily. In fact, my favorite prayer is " God, if you will just get us out of debt I will serve you and give however you see fit"...
You know what I picture God saying back to me? " What are you doing with the litte I gave you? And you want me to give you more? Abundantly?"
I know, because the Bible tells me so, that my God is a good God. He forgives us and loves us and wants more for us than we could ever want for ourselves. However, he is a jealous and just God.
Our attention is constantly on other things. Wanting more money, bigger houses, the newest _____etc.
Our good intentions to please God get side tracked by our Intentions to please ourselves.
God knows that. He knows we struggle, that we have desires and wants....
And he says, seek me first.
Stop searching for happiness in those things and seek me.
Put aside your fears with money, your greediness with new material things, and look for Him.
According to Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find..."
SEARCH for God and you will find him.
Be still and know him.
And then ask of him...
And you know what he says?
"My dear sweet beautiful child, it's yours."
And you know the secret to this passage... When you seek his righteousness...Your ways start looking a whole lot more like His ways.....kind of beautiful, huh?
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